
Showing posts from October, 2018


Lesson 4 reflections A. What are my first thought about the lesson? It will going to have fun. B. What is the most important thing I learned personally? In this society have their own thinking of good and bad. C.How will I use what I've learned in the future? Stop destroying the Earth and start rescuing the world.  _________________________________________________________________________________ Create a why shouldn't poem.(8 lines) Everytime when I pass by the street  all the why shouldn't rushing and banging into my ears, Why shouldn't the passbyers pick up the rubbish on the floor Why shouldn't the people assists the blind man to cross the busy road Why shouldn't people stop using their mobile phone while walking Why shouldn't anyone give some foods to the poor beggar sitting beside the drain Why shouldn't children stop yelling and crying to their parents just to buy a toy Why shouldn't anyone just help the poo...


LESSON 3 REFLECTIONS  What are my first thoughts about the lesson? All is going to talk about poems again. What is the most important thing I learned personally? Everyone in different state of ages have their own worries.  How will I use what I've learned in the future? Reduce worries and try to think about happy moment. _________________________________________________________________________________ Create 2 Whatif poems: Adult VS Teen showing the different worries at two distinct stages of life 10 worries each. Teen: Last night, while I lay and thinking here, some Whatifs crawled into my ear and pranced and partied all night long and sang their same old song Whatif song: Whatif I got bullied? Whatif I forgotten to finished up my homeworks? Whatif no one want to be friends with me? Whatif I woke up late? Whatif I can't get permission to go to the toilet? Whatif I did not bring money to school for meals? Whatif I get punished by teachers? Wh...