

Lesson 4 reflections A. What are my first thought about the lesson? It will going to have fun. B. What is the most important thing I learned personally? In this society have their own thinking of good and bad. C.How will I use what I've learned in the future? Stop destroying the Earth and start rescuing the world.  _________________________________________________________________________________ Create a why shouldn't poem.(8 lines) Everytime when I pass by the street  all the why shouldn't rushing and banging into my ears, Why shouldn't the passbyers pick up the rubbish on the floor Why shouldn't the people assists the blind man to cross the busy road Why shouldn't people stop using their mobile phone while walking Why shouldn't anyone give some foods to the poor beggar sitting beside the drain Why shouldn't children stop yelling and crying to their parents just to buy a toy Why shouldn't anyone just help the poo...


LESSON 3 REFLECTIONS  What are my first thoughts about the lesson? All is going to talk about poems again. What is the most important thing I learned personally? Everyone in different state of ages have their own worries.  How will I use what I've learned in the future? Reduce worries and try to think about happy moment. _________________________________________________________________________________ Create 2 Whatif poems: Adult VS Teen showing the different worries at two distinct stages of life 10 worries each. Teen: Last night, while I lay and thinking here, some Whatifs crawled into my ear and pranced and partied all night long and sang their same old song Whatif song: Whatif I got bullied? Whatif I forgotten to finished up my homeworks? Whatif no one want to be friends with me? Whatif I woke up late? Whatif I can't get permission to go to the toilet? Whatif I did not bring money to school for meals? Whatif I get punished by teachers? Wh...


Whatifs _________________________________________________________________________________ Shel Silverstein: An America Poet Name_______________________ Whatif from the book "A Light in the Attic" (1981) Last night, while I lay thinking here, some Whatifs crawled inside my ear  and pranced and partied all night long and sang their same old Whatif song:  Whatif I'm dumb in school? Whatif they've closed the swimming pool? Whatif I get beat up? Whatif there is poison in my cup? Whatif I start to cry? Whatif I get sick and die? Whatif flunk that test? Whatif green green hair grows on my chest? Whatif nobody likes me? Whatif a bolt of lighting strikes me? Whatif I don't grow taller? Whatif my head starts getting smaller? Whatif the fish won't bite? Whatif the wind tear my kite? Whatif they start a war? Whatif my parents get divorced? Whatif the bus is late? Whatif my teeth don't grow straight? Whatif I tear my pants? Wha...


WHAT IF YOUR BEST FRIENDS TURN COLD ON YOU If my best friends turn cold on me i will: 1.Ask my best friends what happen and what is going on. 2.Try to fix my problems or what i had did wrong.   3.Get them to forgive me. 4.Try not to do stuff like this again. _________________________________________________________________________________ Not the end yet!! I am not teaching peoples how to solve it!! I had to tell my feelings!! _________________________________________________________________________________ So I had experience one or two month that my best friends turn cold on me. He/ She turn cold on me because of I had done something that I shouldn't do and make them feel betrayed.  In that time I am feeling so so so sad and regreted what I had done. In that time they ignore me everyday.  At last I apologise to them and tell them that make sure that I won't do this mistake again. NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!!!